Adopt a Dog, Cat, Puppy, or Kitten!
how to adopt
- Ready to adopt? Visit the shelter.
- View pets online at Adopt a Pet, Facebook, 24PetConnect, or Petfinder. Only some of the shelter's available dogs and cats are listed online.
- Adoption fee is $80–110 for dogs, and $50–70 for cats. Some cats and dogs have a discounted adoption fee, thanks to donations or if the animal is already spayed or neutered. See below for the benefits of adopting from the shelter.
- Seeking a specific breed, size, sex, age, etc.? Visit or call the shelter (205-625-6026) with your request, and the shelter staff will let you know when an animal matches your critieria!
- Rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, and ferrets occasionally become available also! Tell the shelter staff that you're interested so they can contact you.
What is included with adoption?
Although it may be tempting to choose a free kitten or puppy from the myriad offers on Facebook or from neighbors, families are “most definitely better off adopting from the shelter,” said Blount County shelter director Karen Startley. Here are a few of the benefits:
- All shelter animals receive age-appropriate vaccinations and are treated for intestinal parasites and fleas.
- Adult cats and dogs go home after a spay or neuter and rabies vaccination; kittens and puppies go home with a voucher to be used once they reach three months old.
- The shelter also offers microchipping for $10. Microchipping can help reconnect owners with lost pets. While collars can get caught or be removed, a microchip is a permanent identification so long as the owner's contact information is kept current.